The church is the central means of bringing Christ’s message of hope to our world. It is a real privilege to be a part of God’s Kingdom and to function as His servants here at Heartland.
Membership in the local church allows us to be accountable to Christ and to each other. This provides us with much-needed feedback and encouragement, as well as protection from the deception and schemes of the enemy.
Membership also speaks of our connection to Christ and to those who make up His church, creating a synergy in our efforts for the cause of Christ in this world. What a privilege, an honour, a calling and responsibility to be at the leading edge of all that God is doing through His church in these days.
If you are interested in the membership process you can preview, or print, the Membership Manual here. You can also stop by Guest Services and pick one up. Please contact the Church Office once you have completed the membership manual to set up your membership interview.
Membership in the local church allows us to be accountable to Christ and to each other. This provides us with much-needed feedback and encouragement, as well as protection from the deception and schemes of the enemy.
Membership also speaks of our connection to Christ and to those who make up His church, creating a synergy in our efforts for the cause of Christ in this world. What a privilege, an honour, a calling and responsibility to be at the leading edge of all that God is doing through His church in these days.
If you are interested in the membership process you can preview, or print, the Membership Manual here. You can also stop by Guest Services and pick one up. Please contact the Church Office once you have completed the membership manual to set up your membership interview.